WTPA’s First White Paper is Concerning the Wasatch School District.
The Wasatch Taxpayers Association produced a White Paper on the issue of the Wasatch School District’s financial responsibility and delivered it to the school board. WTPA requested to be put on the September 2012 school board meeting agenda, and was denied. The WSD did respond with the letter attached here. White Paper- WSD Volume1, Issue 1 8-29-2012 Wasatch School District- White paper response 9-10-2012 TO SEE THE REST OF OUR INFORMATION ON THIS ISSUE PLEASE GO TO THE COMMITTEES TAB AT THE TOP OF THIS HOMEPAGE, THEN WASATCH SCHOOL DISTRICT, THEN BUDGETS. Thanks! ________________________________________________________
Grand Jury coming to Heber!
The grand jury will be coming to Heber on October 11, 2012, at the Wasatch County Courthouse, 1371 S. Highway 40. You MUST make an appointment by September 28, 2012. Call Debra Moore at 801 578-3800. SLTrib article: http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/news/54850418-78/district-grand-jury-judges.html.csp If no one calls, the grand jury will cancel their meeting in October.
Next General Membership meeting!
Hi WTPA members and possible NEW members!! Our next general membership meeting is: this TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 2012 at 6:30pm. 465 E. 1200 S.- in County Library building We will be: – Collecting dues, so bring $10 cash or check – Discussing board progress organizing group – Updating you on upcoming crucial public meetings in August. Please make an effort to come! The valley is not asleep while you vacation during the summer. In fact, this seems to be the time they try to pass important policies that will affect your quality of life here! We’ll fill you in on TUESDAY! Bring 5 new members with you, too! See you…