Next General Membership meeting!
Hi WTPA members and possible NEW members!! Our next general membership meeting is: this TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 2012 at 6:30pm. 465 E. 1200 S.- in County Library building We will be: – Collecting dues, so bring $10 cash or check – Discussing board progress organizing group – Updating you on upcoming crucial public meetings in August. Please make an effort to come! The valley is not asleep while you vacation during the summer. In fact, this seems to be the time they try to pass important policies that will affect your quality of life here! We’ll fill you in on TUESDAY! Bring 5 new members with you, too! See you…
Wasatch School District 2013 Budget meeting report
To those of you who were unable to attend the WSD budget public hearing last night, or those who want to recall the Business Administrator’s, and the WSD Board’s response to our concerns please watch video: WSD School Budget Hearing July 19, 2012 (download it then open it to play it.) The WSD handout they reference in this video is here: WSD- their handout budget hearing 7-2012 WTPA handout of WSD unassigned fund balance history: WTPA handout WSD budget 7-2012 WTPA will be continually working toward developing an open, and transparent relationship with the WSD. We look forward to more opportunities to be able to communicate the idea of fiscal accountability to…
Wasatch School District Board Meeting
WTPA members and Wasatch County citizens! Tonight at 6:30 p.m., is the Wasatch School District Board Meeting. We are asking all WTPA members to please be in attendance. Please invite all your neighbors and friends to attend. Wasatch School District- 2013 budget public hearing will be: Thursday, July 19, 2012, 6:30pm Wasatch Education Center 101 East 200 North Heber City, UT. 84032 District Office: 435-654-0280 If you cannot make the meeting tonight PLEASE email the Board in support of the WTPA’s Call for a $5 Million Tax Cut. Please put “Support of the WTPA’s Call for Tax Cut” in Subject line! Click here to email the Board. __________________________________________________ Based on the figures…