2021 Election

2021- Municipal Election Year

On the ballot this year are all towns- Mayor and City Councils.  Also, a rare Wasatch Countywide RAP tax (Prop 6) is included.  Extra Rap Tax Info.   Here are the FOR and AGAINST arguments for Prop 6.  

Go to the County Clerk’s website to get links on ALL towns and their elections. If you have moved recently, please check with vote.utah.gov or call the Clerk’s Office at (435) 657-3190 to make sure you will receive a ballot. They should be mailed about October 12th.

***WTPA Daniel Town – 2021 Candidate VIDEO InterviewsDANIEL ELECTION info-  The debates were done before the Primary Election in July. 

***WTPA Heber City – 2021 Candidate VIDEO Interviews and comments on each candidate included below each video  – ALSO, a must listen KPCW Mayoral debate here!    KPCW Council Candidate Debate

RANKED CHOICE VOTING info  Is it necessary to score each candidate in order of preference when there are only 2 candidates for Mayor and 4 City Council candidates for 2 open seats? We are hearing that voters are just voting for their TOP choice. You decide.

Some of the Candidate VIDEO issues discussed are:


Airport Expansion- Are candidates FOR or AGAINST?




Resort Corner-Our most iconic view corridor in our Valley.

Are they FOR or AGAINST massive commercial development there?




FOR or AGAINST- Approving higher density developments  than what the code allows?  




Would Candidates be WILLING to do a fiscal analysis of consolidating the Heber Police & County Sheriff’s office, to see if if would be in the best interest for both Heber and County residents?


The Future Bypass, Heber Light & Power, Citizen Involvement…. and much more!