
“A nation under a well regulated government, should permit none to remain uninstructed. It is monarchical and aristocratic government only that requires ignorance for its support.” – THOMAS PAINE, publisher of Common Sense, revolutionary, radical, inventor, intellectual, and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States.

WTPA Board- (l to r)   Merry Duggin, Chuck Zuercher,  Anissa Wardell, Tracy Taylor- Chair.

435 709-8688  wasatchtaxpayers@gmail.com

2012 financial disclosure   2013 financial disclosure

2014 financial disclosure   2015 financial disclosure

2016 financial disclosure   2017 financial disclosure

2018 financial disclosure   2019 financial disclosure

2020 financial disclosure   2021 financial disclosure

2022 financial disclosure

This website is for educational purposes only, unless it is specifically stated that WTPA has a stance on a specific issue. To the best of our knowledge this is correct information, but we welcome corrections if errors are found.

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